
Sunday, 20 March 2011

New hair colour and cut!

So my experimentation in the world of hair dye took another turn yesterday. The last time I had a hair cut (a couple of months ago) I had some bright red 'slices' put in. I liked it but after a while I wanted more lol! I'd wanted to go red for ages, I'm always telling my boyfriend about it and pointing out people with nice red hair. He just keeps telling me I should just do it, I'm sure he gets bored of the same conversation after a while but he doesn't need to listen to it again... well until I am bored and want to have a different colour!

So here it is!

I love it! It is a tad brighter in real life, I couldn't quite capture it on camera and ended up nearly droping it on my head as I had to half lay down on my bed to get decent lighting! It is also brighter in the areas where I had the slices from last time. I think it warms my skin up a bit more, I don't look as pale as I did with dark hair, yeah I know I wasn't exactly pale but I mean in contrast to my old hair colour. (Excuse the awful Forever Friends curtains behind me, I have had them since I was a baby and I think I've well outgrown them by now.)

- Jennifer

1 comment:

  1. I doooo get super bored :) But at least you finally took the plunge, my ears are most thankful

    It looks very nice and it suits you, i look forward to messing it up :D


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