
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Candy Yum Yum FOTD

I wore this for one day last week. I really love this lipstick, it is so smooth and long lasting. Unfortunately it was a limited edition but I was lucky enough to get hold of it before it sold out. BUT it might be coming back in the MAC By Request collection which you can vote for now at MAC By Request and you can do one vote each day so if you want it back, GO VOTE.

What I'm wearing:
Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation in Beige
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in Light
MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Medium Plus
MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow
MAC Superslick Liquid Liner (black)
MUFE Smokey Lash Mascara (I will have to review this because I'm not a big fan)
Collection 2000 Clear Mascara through my eyebrows
MAC Florida Cremeblend Blush
MAC Candy Yum Yum Lipstick

Jennifer x


  1. Love how Candy Yum Yum looks on you! I really hope to be able to snag one if/when it releases again.

    1. Thanks! I have been voting for Rocker lipstick as I already have CYY but if it does come back, I wont be disappointed at all. It is definitely back up worthy. Hopefully if it does, they make plenty of stock!


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